I have received my first peer-blogging award.
That's right, Mark My Words has had its award-receiving cherry popped and it is indeed a great feeling. The person
After consulting the almost-all knowing Google as well as the giver of my award's page, I checked the rules. I am supposed to:
1. choose seven other bloggers/people to award (and let them know)
2. tell ten creative things about myself.
In true spirit of receiving this award, I also nominate seven other worthy bloggers.
1. Jason Polan at Every Person In New York. This blog really deserves this award for its creativity and talent. Here, a talented artist and people observes make anonymous sketches of everyday people and their activities in the busy streets and corners of New York.
2. taraSG at My Day in Six Words. Pictures can tell a thousand words or maybe a 1006? Great picture blog.
3. Benedict Jones at Notes From A Basement. Creative writing is his forte and his regular 50-word project is not just a good read but also intriguing and compelling.
4. Emily at One More Thing... The way she tells a story about her adventures and experiences in life is superb. And it draws you in and evokes emotions that you can relate to. Good honest writing and soul-sharing.
5. CJ and Blondie at Blonde Monde. Every one loves blondes, right? Even more, trying to date them. What's even better is hearing about dating from their perspective. Talk about insider trading! Great blog.
6. KC Kelly at The Other 98¢. Great comedic, funny and interesting opinions and stories on life, people, news and everything in between.
7. Nomad at 365 Days of People. This awesome blogs chronicles the experiences we all encounter with different sets of people around us each day that we can't live with it or without. You're bound to find at least one group every other day that you can definitely agree with the author on. Good laughs and observations about people.
Check out these awesome blogs and tell them Dave "Loose Cannon" Wills sent you!
Ten creative things about myself,
1. I am an accomplished musician and play several instruments from piano to guitar to drums.
2. I too wax poetic and have considered myself a poet since childhood. Read me here.
3. I can do a backflip.
4. I paint at times, when I have time. I prefer oils too.
5. I like to make stick figures using modeling clay and sticks and pretend they're real life figures. Possible additional blog material? Hmm...
6. I play several sports and clearly am an outdoor person.
7. I used to (still like to) make awesome kites as a kid.
8. I'm pretty handy and can fix or repair stuff.
9. I'm a beast in the kitchen. Those unfamiliar with the phrase it means that I know the difference between a dash and a tablespoon and oregano and parsley.
10. I like extreme sports.
In true spirit of Mark My Words history,
P.S. There are many other fantastic bloggers who I read and follow so although they may not be listed here, you can find them on my follow list. Some have already gotten this award, some have others and some probably will get this same award really soon. Keep writing because Dave loves to read and comment!

6 spoke already...add your 2¢:
hi dave, i am very proud to be the one who popped your blogger award cherry, it was good for me too ;) and thanx for such a great introduction, i'm very flattered.
your number 5 point is quite interesting, have you ever checked out this site? http://www.knoxskorner.com/home.php
keep doing your thing.
congratulations on your award
COngrats! I just got an award also :)
sweeeet bro. so i just like copy paste this onto my blog... and answer questions, i think i can manage that, gracias!
>the.kisser: Thanks again! And that clay site you pointed me to is awesome.
>the peach tart: Thanks. You inspire me...
>jill: I'm happy for you and also honored by the one you gave me!
>nomad: Yeah, it's easy like that. Sure, no prob. I think you definitely deserved it!
That is great to hear, thank you for reading!
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